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1 October 2018
5 Reasons Why HVAC Air Duct Cleaning is Essential

Many people may unaware of this but air quality is hugely affected by how clean your air ducts are, whether in the home or office. Depending on how clean your air ducts are will affect the performance of your heating and cooling systems, and how much energy they[...]

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11 July 2018
How to Remove Graffiti from Various Surfaces Correctly

Steps to Beating the Spray Paint Vandals. If you’ve been unfortunate enough to have been the victim of paint vandalism on your premises, the first step to successfully remove graffiti is to act fast. Once discovered, it is advised to get to work in removing the spray paint[...]

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13 June 2018
7 Tips to Improving Commercial Exterior Landscaping

Get your offices outdoor spaces ready to impress clients and customers With a very hard winter finally out of the way, now is the time to inspect and review the exterior  spaces around your commercial premises. On first glance, things may appear to be perfectly normal however, on[...]

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14 May 2018
When’s the Best Time to Clean Your Windows?

Why Regular Commercial Building Window Cleaning Matters Understandably, many businesses do not believe they have a pressing need or want to have their office windows cleaned during the late autumn or winter months. With daily rain fall and colder weather being the norm, any attempts to clean windows[…]

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15 April 2018
Is Your Floor as Clean as You Think?

5 Tips to Maintaining Office Flooring The worst of the winter weather may be behind us, but the direct impact of the seasons’ rainfall, snow and mud will now be on full display as we head towards the springtime. No doubt, entranceways and high traffic areas will show[…]

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6 March 2018
Why winter plumbing checks are vital in commercial premises

Regular plumbing & pipe maintenance could save you thousands Britain has just come out of the other side of what has been described as one of the coldest winters snaps in many generations. With temperatures plummeting to well below freezing in many parts of the country – snow,[…]

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5 February 2018
Why modern workplace washroom hygiene is vital

How an uncleanly toilet could cost your business Whether you run your business from an office, a restaurant or pub, there’s never been a more important period in time to keep your toilets and public washrooms clean and pristine. In this modern age of social media and information[…]

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3 January 2018
Winter Preparations Checklist for Commercial Premises

Prevent Expensive Seasonal Disasters from Striking If you run a commercial premises or operate a business that relies on one, you’ll know from experience that winter is the time of year when an expensive disaster is most likely to occur. With weather systems seemingly more extreme with high[…]

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20 November 2017
10 Benefits of Hiring a Contract Cleaning Company

Hiring professionals to regularly clean your office makes perfect sense, and this article outlines exactly why. If you solely rely on your employees to keep your office space clean and tidy in an effort to cut costs, time and hassle, then this article is for you. You may[…]

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18 October 2017
How Often Should Fire Extinguisher Tests Be Carried Out?

For most business leaders and commercial property owners, the frequency and need for fire extinguisher testing can be a rather foggy subject. For the most part, a fire extinguisher will sit in its rightful place for the duration of its life and go unnoticed, but regular checks are[...]

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