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1 August 2020
How Often Should Fire Sprinklers Be Tested?

The safety and security of a building is of utmost importance. Having fire sprinklers installed is a common option, however one needs to make sure that such a system receives the required maintenance on a regular basis. This will ensure that should there be a fire, the sprinklers[...]

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4 March 2019
6 Most Common Causes of Fire at the Workplace

The last thing anyone wants to deal with at a workplace is an accident, especially a fire. Statistics for 2016 and 2017 show that there were over 15,000 reported fires at the workplace, which is a staggeringly high number. This represents a very serious and dramatic danger that[...]

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18 October 2017
How Often Should Fire Extinguisher Tests Be Carried Out?

For most business leaders and commercial property owners, the frequency and need for fire extinguisher testing can be a rather foggy subject. For the most part, a fire extinguisher will sit in its rightful place for the duration of its life and go unnoticed, but regular checks are[...]

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