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14 May 2018
When’s the Best Time to Clean Your Windows?

Why Regular Commercial Building Window Cleaning Matters Understandably, many businesses do not believe they have a pressing need or want to have their office windows cleaned during the late autumn or winter months. With daily rain fall and colder weather being the norm, any attempts to clean windows[…]

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15 April 2018
Is Your Floor as Clean as You Think?

5 Tips to Maintaining Office Flooring The worst of the winter weather may be behind us, but the direct impact of the seasons’ rainfall, snow and mud will now be on full display as we head towards the springtime. No doubt, entranceways and high traffic areas will show[…]

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5 February 2018
Why modern workplace washroom hygiene is vital

How an uncleanly toilet could cost your business Whether you run your business from an office, a restaurant or pub, there’s never been a more important period in time to keep your toilets and public washrooms clean and pristine. In this modern age of social media and information[…]

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20 November 2017
10 Benefits of Hiring a Contract Cleaning Company

Hiring professionals to regularly clean your office makes perfect sense, and this article outlines exactly why. If you solely rely on your employees to keep your office space clean and tidy in an effort to cut costs, time and hassle, then this article is for you. You may[…]

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19 September 2017
Get Ahead of Staff Sick Days This Coming Winter

Preparing & Preventing Employee Illness at Work With the winter months fast approaching, the inevitable drop in staff productivity is sure to follow. It won’t be long until the clocks go back and then daylight hours become shorter which brings lower staff morale, a generally more sluggish attitude[…]

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20 January 2017
Why It’s Critical to Keep Your Commercial Kitchen Clean

Maintaining good hygiene standards is a must in the food industry If you run a commercial kitchen or food business, it is absolutely critical to maintain good hygiene standards not only for your reputation, but to adhere to UK and European legislation. Any slip ups and you could[…]

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22 December 2016
Why Lemons, Vinegar & Baking Soda are Excellent Natural Cleaning Products

Did you know there’s a natural, healthier way to keeping your office clean and free from toxins? If you run a busy office or commercial premises, constant use of cleaners with high concentrations of chemical ingredients is not always the answer. They are suitable for occasional deep cleans[…]

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25 November 2016
6 Tips for a Healthier & Safer Workplace

During the Autumn and Winter months, colds and flu becomes a huge problem, especially at the workplace. We spend a large chunk of our lives at the office and it’s no great surprise that when colleagues get sick, we most probably do too. Yet aside from the obvious[…]

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26 May 2016
How your hotdesking business could become a hive for sickness

You may have heard of the latest craze in utilising and maximising office desk space – it’s called hot-desking and many organisations have adopted this craze as well as numerous commercial rented offices offering low-cost flexible workspaces. They’re cropping up all over the country and worldwide In an[…]

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26 April 2016
Is your office in need of a spring clean?

We’re well into the new season and with the longer days and evenings, we tend to spend just a little more time at work than we would during winter months. The heating may be switched off and the windows may be open, but some fresh air flowing through[…]

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