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1 October 2019
How to Completely Descale Your Office Kettle

How many times per day do you switch on your kettle to make a cup of tea or coffee at work? If you think about it, your office kettle probably gets used several dozen times a day and with each use, the kettle builds up limescale and other[...]

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2 September 2019
Rekey vs Replace Locks – Which is Best?

If you've lost a key or started to experience problems with your home or office locks due to age or possible tampering from an attempted break in or burglary, it might be time to consider either rekeying or replacing your locks. Both routes have their pros and cons[...]

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1 August 2019
10 Reasons to Consider Installing Solar Panels

Solar panels have become highly popular over the last few years. And no wonder! Solar panels, or as they are also referred to, solar PV, are an alternative way of generating electricity in your home or business. Many consider them as a great investment, as they offer a[…]

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1 July 2019
10 Questions You Must Ask Before Hiring an Electrician

Hiring a service provider is something that we do on a regular basis. However, making sure that that particular person or company is able to offer a service that satisfies your needs and expectations is a bit difficult. It is not as simple as when you go shopping[...]

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4 June 2019
9 Top Tips for Cleaning Vertical Blinds

Every now and then vertical blinds call for a good clean and dust removal. Dust and grime tend to accumulate onto them, especially since they are hung in front of apertures. The bigger the door or window is, the bigger the surface area of vertical blinds you will[…]

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1 May 2019
7 Reasons Why Your Office Air Ducts Should Be Cleaned This Spring

Carrying out routine office cleaning and maintenance tasks is common. However there are certain cleaning tasks which tend to get neglected more often than not. Cleaning HVAC air ducts is one of these, and you will be amazed at the huge effect a lack of cleaning ducts cab[...]

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1 April 2019
15 Ways to Improve Office Air Quality & Flow

Air quality and the ability for it to circulate around your office is of prime importance. With airborne allergens and dust collecting in the air, it can cause issues with health and cleanliness. This can lead to employees regularly becoming ill. Follow the strategies as outlined below to[...]

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4 March 2019
6 Most Common Causes of Fire at the Workplace

The last thing anyone wants to deal with at a workplace is an accident, especially a fire. Statistics for 2016 and 2017 show that there were over 15,000 reported fires at the workplace, which is a staggeringly high number. This represents a very serious and dramatic danger that[...]

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4 February 2019
The 3 Most Common Types of Door Lock Tampering

One of the worst experiences a person can go through is a burglary at home or at their business premises. Unfortunately even in our homes and office we cannot be sure that we are safe, and while we may have taken certain precautions to safeguard our house or[...]

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3 January 2019
How to Recycle Your Old Electronics

We all know about the importance of recycling in this day and age. However, we tend to forget that electronics can also be recycled. E-waste is a relatively new concept in the field of recycling, however it is becoming increasingly evident how critical recycling old electronics could be,[...]

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