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22 March 2017
The Importance of Thorough (PAT) Portable Appliance Testing

Why cheaper, faster solutions are a recipe for disaster If you own and run a business with numerous employees that use a number of portable electrical appliances, PAT inspections are not something to be ignored and should be one of your top maintenance concerns at regular intervals. It[…]

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22 February 2017
Why Compliance & Legislation is Important to Every Business

Is It Time To Get Your House in Order? Most businesses understand the clear advantages of having structured compliance and legislation methods in place. This ensures the safety and welling of employees, not to mention the commercial benefits however, adhering to the rules is never plain sailing. The laws[...]

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20 January 2017
Why It’s Critical to Keep Your Commercial Kitchen Clean

Maintaining good hygiene standards is a must in the food industry If you run a commercial kitchen or food business, it is absolutely critical to maintain good hygiene standards not only for your reputation, but to adhere to UK and European legislation. Any slip ups and you could[…]

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22 December 2016
Why Lemons, Vinegar & Baking Soda are Excellent Natural Cleaning Products

Did you know there’s a natural, healthier way to keeping your office clean and free from toxins? If you run a busy office or commercial premises, constant use of cleaners with high concentrations of chemical ingredients is not always the answer. They are suitable for occasional deep cleans[…]

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25 November 2016
6 Tips for a Healthier & Safer Workplace

During the Autumn and Winter months, colds and flu becomes a huge problem, especially at the workplace. We spend a large chunk of our lives at the office and it’s no great surprise that when colleagues get sick, we most probably do too. Yet aside from the obvious[…]

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28 October 2016
The Importance of Maintaining Roof Guttering

Keep unexpected costly repairs to a minimum As a property owner, regular cleaning and clearing of roof guttering is rarely at the forefront of your priorities but if ignored for too long, can develop into a costly and time consuming problem. No one wants to have to take[…]

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27 September 2016
What does your office decorating say about your business?

Redecorating tips to make a big impression on clients and staff Take a look around the average office space and the overall feel is dull, lifeless and uninspiring. Walls are painted in a neutral cream or off-white hue, the windows are dressed with tired looking blinds or shutters.[…]

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26 August 2016
Why partitions still have a place in modern offices?

Interior spaces to combat common open office issues Since the dark ages of office interiors where cubicles were the mainstay, the new contemporary open office concept is now widely regarded as the norm and it’s easy to see why. For business owners and employers, it offers many benefits.[…]

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25 July 2016
Are your office temperatures affecting your workforce?

6 reasons why you need to install an air conditioning system The sun may not come out to play very often in the UK but when it does, we can experience some of the hottest temperatures in northern Europe, due to the gulf stream pulling warm air from[...]

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27 June 2016
Reasons why you should always hire a pest control specialist

If you run a business, especially where food is prepared and sold, persistent pests can be a massive problem and danger to health for your staff and customers. Even within the cleanest and most regularly maintained environments, pests can still get in as they are attracted to the[…]

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